How to Get Started with Facebook Ads

Learn how to get the most from your budget on Facebook: the how, when, why...And the three most common mistakes made. We sat down with media expert Samantha Fine to talk about all things marketing, specifically how to crack the nut that is Facebook Advertising.

Tips + tricks
May 6, 2024

You’ve poured sweat (literally) into your business and have all of your business tech systems in place. Your community is showing up for your amazing fitness or wellness classes and programs and they love what you are building. The next question everyone has is…how do I grow my community? Should I spend my hard-earned dollars on ads?

We sat down with media expert Samantha Fine to talk about all things marketing, specifically how to crack the nut that is Facebook Advertising.

Here are some top tips from our conversation.

Facebook Ads should play a major role in your marketing strategy

Don’t worry, you don’t have to have a degree in marketing or have design background. And…you don’t have to have a large budget! Facebook ads for fitness and wellness entrepreneurs can be done on small budget! The fitness industry has the highest conversion benchmark- 14.29%! We are now seeing that studios and instructors with a virtual presence succeed more  in reach and engagement through Facebook and Instagram advertising. With an online fitness studio, online gym, and hybrid gyms, the opportunity to grow and scale your community is unlimited. Building Facebook Ads into your marketing mix will help to generate new leads and eventually turn them into paying customers and loyal members of your community. 

Marketing Cycle vs Funnel

If you’ve spent any amount of time with a marketing consultant or searching online, you’ve probably heard about the “marketing funnel.” Samantha suggests we reframe our strategy and approach it with an ongoing cycle called the A B ‘N’ C Method. 

AB = Audience Builder. Build up your on and off platform audiences through organic social and ads.

N = Nurture your audience by adding value and creating a relationship through continued email marketing and organic social posts as well as re-targeted ads.

C = Convert. Drive sales of your paid offer and make that money.


3 Common Mistakes

Once you’re ready to get started, watch out for these three common mistakes

  1. Pushing the promote/boost button on an organic post without a goal or tracking. If you want to see results from your advertising efforts you need to create a data-driven strategic framework.
  2. Not using the right objective. When you align the Facebook objectives with your business goal and consumer journey, your ads are more likely to get your audience to take your desired action.
  3. Not targeting the right audience. Take time to understand your target audience and dig deep into their aligned interests, their struggles, needs, wants and desires. 

Time to get started

Here are 3 simple ad types to get you on your way with only $5/day.

  1. Lead Generation. Generate efficient leads and build both an on and off-platform audience that you can nurture with emails, organic and/or ads
  1. Video View Ads. Build your social audience while educating, building trust and getting more eyes on your content. 
  1. Retargeting Ads. Reach more of your existing audience and engagers.

Wrapping things up

We are with you. This marketing thing is its own animal and can feel like too much to dive into. But taking small steps towards your growth is so worth it for the health and longevity of your business. You have all of the tools in your hands to grow the fitness or wellness business of your dream. Your ideal clients are out there waiting to hear from you. 

If you want to learn more about Samantha Fine, you can find her online at the links below.

Learn with Samantha:

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